Project QaneBrella
Thank you for your support! We have raised $10 000 for Singapore Cancer Society through Project QaneBrella. We couldn't have done it without you!
Project QaneBrella is a student-run initiative raising awareness and funds for Singapore Cancer Society's cancer warriors under the Citi-YMCA Youth for Causes Programme (YFC) 2019.
We will be carrying out Project QaneBrella from 17 May to 31 August 2019. If you would like to help support our cause, you can visit our campaign at bit.ly/QanebrellaforSCS.
Our Art Therapy Program
Our team has a vision of incorporating our patented invention, the QaneBrella in support of the Singapore Cancer Society Zentangle Art Therapy Program by having them hand-painted by our volunteers together with cancer warriors.
To raise funds for the SCS, each QaneBrella will be uniquely hand-painted by cancer warriors and given as a token of appreciation for each donation of $100 & above. To donate, you can visit our campaign at bit.ly/QanebrellaforSCS.
The Journey
On the 21st of June, 13 cancer warriors worked together with volunteers from SJI International to use the QaneBrella as an artistic platform to express their creativity. The warriors spent the afternoon interacting with the students and painting artisan QaneBrellas together, guided by professional zentangle specialist Stephanie Jennifer.
After resounding feedback, we worked together with Singapore Cancer Society to hold yet another intergenerational bonding event on the 16th of July. 10 cancer warriors returned to work alongside SJII volunteers to design the QaneBrellas.
The Round Up
Citi-YMCA YFC Awards Night
At the Awards Night, Project QaneBrella took home the Distinction Award and Entrepreneurship Award, as well as the Supportive Mentor Award for Mr James Keady (Director of Digital Management at Citi) and Supportive School Award for St. Joseph's Institution International along with Project Kaleidoscope.
President's Challenge Appreciation Night 2019
The QaneBrella Team was invited to the President's Challenge Appreciation Night 2019 to meet Mdm President Halimah Yacob and present her with a special edition seasonal QaneBrella handmade by our craftsmen at Bizlink.
Singapore Cancer Society Partners' Appreciation Dinner 2019
The QaneBrella Team was awarded the Outstanding Group Award for their volunteer work through the Citi-YMCA Youth For Causes program 2019 at the Singapore Cancer Society Partners' Appreciation Dinner.